The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) was established on 01st June 2017, to develop quality systems towards improving the academic and administrative performance of the college.
IQAC in PJCE has been constituted under the patron of Chairman with Chair personas Principal and coordination of a senior Faculty. Other members of IQAC include administrative officer, faculty members, member from management, members from local society, Student member, Parent member and industrialist.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell is a structure that will aid institutions in streamlining their operations and achieving their goals for learning outcomes and objectives. The “participative” and “facilitative” unit will closely collaborate with the teachers to develop the most effective plans. When it comes to the goals, IQAC’s main emphasis is on quality improvement and the promotion of policies that will help the institution run in a way that will improve quality, such as through internalizing a quality culture and institutionalizing best practices.
Some of the functions of the IQAC are:
- Development and application of quality benchmarks/parameters for various academic and administrative activities of the college;
- Facilitating the creation of a learner-centric environment conducive to quality education and faculty maturation to adopt the required knowledge and technology for participatory teaching and learning process;
- Arrangement for feedback response from students, parents and other stakeholders on quality-related institutional processes;
- Dissemination of information on various quality parameters of higher education;
- Organization of inter and intra institutional workshops, seminars on quality related themes and promotion of quality circles;
- Documentation of the various programmes/activities leading to quality improvement;
- Acting as a nodal agency of the Institution for coordinating quality-related activities, including adoption and dissemination of best practices;
- Development and maintenance of institutional database through MIS for the purpose of maintaining /enhancing the institutional quality;
- To a heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement and facilitate internalization of the quality culture.
- To better internal communication.
Quality Assurance initiative taken by MIS/IQAC
Enrollment Data: Enrollment data is collected from departments/colleges every year. In the absence of IT support/resources and proper controls, it was difficult for them to ensure the quality. MIS/IQAC Cell took initiatives to compile the Master List of courses (year-wise) from Handbook of Information and other sources. It was ensured that all faculties, all departments, and all courses are included. Steps have been taken by MIS/IQAC Cell to improve the quality of data to ensure completeness and correctness of data
Examination Data: Result analysis of University Examinations, like centralized result data, departmental wise, class wise result data, and subject wise and faculty performance is to be collected by IQA Cell to improve the quality and performance students and faculty.
IQAC Committee Members 2023-25
1. | Patron | Pon Robert Singh |
2. | Chair Person | Dr.G.Natarajan |
3. | Management Representative | Mrs.Bijulah Singh |
4. | IQAC Coordinator | Dr.M.R.Geetha |
5. | Senior Administrative Officer | Prof.S.Arulson Daniel |
6. | Senior Administrative Officer | Dr.R.Isaac Sajan |
7. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Justin Moses Selvamony |
8. | Member-Faculty | Dr.G.Arumugasamy |
9. | Member-Faculty | Dr.V.Anand |
10. | Member-Faculty | Dr.Manju.C.Thayammal |
11. | Member-Faculty | Dr.R.S.Chithra |
12. | Member-Faculty | Prof.A.Saravanan |
13. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Preeta Sherly |
14. | Member-Faculty | Prof.M.Maria Sheeba |
15. | Member-Faculty | Prof.N.K.Arulraj |
16. | Member- Local Society | Dr.Saleem |
17. | Member – Alumni | Mr.Suryaraj |
18. | Member – Industrialist | Mr.Pon Jashwin Singh |
19. | Member – Student Member | Mr.Jim Stel Jacob |
20. | Member – Parent Member | Mr.Andrews Charles |
The tenure of IQAC is two years. The IQAC shall function as per the NAAC guidelines.
IQAC Committee Members 2021-23
1. | Patron | Pon Robert Singh |
2. | Chair Person | Dr.G.Natarajan |
3. | Management Representative | Mrs.Bijulah Singh |
4. | IQAC Coordinator | Dr.M.R.Geetha |
5. | Senior Administrative Officer | Prof.S.Arulson Daniel |
6. | Senior Administrative Officer | Dr.R.Isaac Sajan |
7. | Member-Faculty | Dr. Justin Moses Selvamony |
8. | Member-Faculty | Dr.G.Arumugasamy |
9. | Member-Faculty | Dr.V.Anand |
10. | Member-Faculty | Dr.Manju.C.Thayammal |
11. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Banerji |
12. | Member-Faculty | Dr.Kanthavel Kumaran |
13. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Preeta Sherly |
14. | Member-Faculty | Prof.M.Maria Sheeba |
15. | Member-Faculty | Prof.N.K.Arulraj |
16. | Member- Local Society | Dr.Saleem |
17. | Member – Alumni | Mr.Suryaraj |
18. | Member – Industrialist | Mr.Pon Jashwin Singh |
19. | Member – Student Member | Mr.Vineesh Muthu Raja |
20. | Member – Parent Member | Mr.Andrews Charles |
The tenure of IQAC is two years. The IQAC shall function as per the NAAC guidelines.
IQAC Committee Members 2019-21
1. | Patron | Pon Robert Singh |
2. | Chair Person | Dr.G.Natarajan |
3. | Management Representative | Mrs.Bijulah Singh |
4. | IQAC Coordinator | Dr.M.R.Geetha |
5. | Senior Administrative Officer | Prof.S.Arulson Daniel |
6. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Shaju Prakash |
7. | Member-Faculty | Dr.G.Arumugasamy |
8. | Member-Faculty | Dr.V.Anand |
9. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Manju.C.Thayammal |
10. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Banerji |
11. | Member-Faculty | Prof.A.Saravanan |
12. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Preeta Sherly |
13. | Member-Faculty | Prof.R.Isaac Sajan |
14. | Member-Faculty | Prof.N.K.Arulraj |
15. | Member- Local Society | Dr.Saleem |
16. | Member – Alumni | Mr.Suryaraj |
17. | Member – Industrialist | Mr.Pon Jashwin Singh |
18. | Member – Student Member | Mr.Vineesh Muthu Raja |
19. | Member – Parent Member | Mr.Thomas Prem Kumar |
The tenure of IQAC is two years. The IQAC shall function as per the NAAC guidelines.
IQAC Committee Members 2017-19
1. | Patron | Pon Robert Singh |
2. | Chair Person | Dr.K.Thyagarajan |
3. | Management Representative | Mrs.Bijulah Singh |
4. | IQAC Coordinator | Prof.M.R.Geetha |
5. | Senior Administrative Officer | Prof.S.Arulson Daniel |
6. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Shaju Prakash |
7. | Member-Faculty | Dr.G.Arumugasamy |
8. | Member-Faculty | Dr.V.Anand |
9. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Manju.C.Thayammal |
10. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Banerji |
11. | Member-Faculty | Prof.A.Saravanan |
12. | Member-Faculty | Prof.Preeta Sherly |
13. | Member-Faculty | Prof.R.Isaac Sajan |
14. | Member-Faculty | Prof.N.K.Arulraj |
15. | Member- Local Society | Dr.Saleem |
16. | Member – Alumni | Mr.Suryaraj |
17. | Member – Industrialist | Mr.Pon Jashwin Singh |
18. | Member – Student Member | Mr.Brijesh |
19. | Member – Parent Member | Mr.Thomas Prem Kumar |
The tenure of IQAC is two years. The IQAC shall function as per the NAAC guidelines.
Title of the Practice : Mentoring and Counseling
Objectives of the practices
- To plan Personal and career goals of students
- To develop presentation skill and leadership qualities
- To motivate them to participate in co curricular and extracurricular activities by understanding their attitude and situation.
- To monitor overall progress of students during his/her graduation
The Context:
- Along with the adaptation of a good teaching learning process, which enhances the technical knowledge of students, the Institute has designed innovative methods for the overall personality development of the students.
- Through the Mentor-Mentee scheme, the institute has developed a systematic road map for improving different aspects of personality developments, presentation skill, team work, and leadership qualities, resume writing, etc. and make them ready to face the challenges in industry.
- The objective of the Institute to implement the Mentor-Mentee scheme is to provide training and guidance to students in all disciplines, increase the participation of all students from first year to final year in the different activities conducted by the Institute and other institutes, which will be useful to them in their life after graduation.
- Faculty who serve as mentors make a valuable contribution to the education and training of students interested in hands-on experience in different activities. Students judge the experiences primarily by their interaction with their mentors. Thus, the role of faculty members in the scheme is crucial to the program‘s success.
The Practice:
- In the Student Mentoring Scheme, a Teacher (mentor) is allocated with a group of approximately twenty students (mentees).
- Mentors meet their respective students every week and collect feedback from the students.
- The mentor has to keep the academic record of the mentees allotted to him in terms of their absence, academic results, co-curricular participation within and outside campus etc. and inform the same to the parents through college app.
- The students are encouraged to do internships especially in a good organization where their skill will be enhanced.
Evidence of success:
- The evidence of the success of the Student Mentoring Scheme is reflected through the overall personality development of students.
- Students have done internships in good companies where their skills are enhanced.
- Parents were happy to have a system where the overall progress of their ward is monitored and informed to them timely right from the first year till the candidate completes his/her engineering during open day conducted periodically.
- There is a substantial increment in the number of students participating in various events held within and outside the college, since the implementation of Student Mentoring Scheme.
Problem Encountered and Resources required:
- The institute being situated in a rural area, the students are not that much exposed to the current enhancements. To overcome this mentors, play an important role by making them aware of the same
- To mould the student’s mentality towards improvement in their activities without hampering academics was a difficult task.
Title of the Practice : Enhance Inter-Department Competency
Objectives of the Practice
- Develop boundary-crossing skills, like interdisciplinary thinking, synthesizing Knowledge of different disciplines and to address complexity.
- Ensure interdisciplinary learning among the faculty members of various disciplines.
- Make them understand the concepts with an interdisciplinary perspective.
- Promote and enhance the knowledge sharing by the students through inter-department lectures.
The Context
- 21 century competency of engineering major requirement is knowledge sharing between different streams of engineering.
- It is difficult for an individual to keep themselves updated in every field. So, PJCE came up with the concept of sharing the knowledge with each other without restrictions of the age or the stream.
- An informal as well as friendly environment has been created from the year 2007 to perform a “Enhance Inter-department competency”.
- Initially it was started among students of the same department and was extended to inter department.
- The response to this program was so excellent that students from different departments started participating in large numbers.
The Practice:
- Finding the latest/current technology: Students in the core group work out about the latest or popular technologies required in various fields. They also figure out the time frame, and content of training.
- Identify talents of students: The student committee has to find out the interest and talents of various students of the institution. They arrange all logistics, venue, and all other necessary arrangements.
- Interaction between the students and transfer of knowledge and skills: Core committee students interact among each other and with trainee students. They also have to encourage students from all diversified domains to share their knowledge with others. Their encouragement is in a way that sometimes senior students also find interest in attending the seminar given by a junior speaker.
- Smooth conduct: For the sake of smooth conduct of the activity various faculty members as well as HOD keep observation and provide monitoring.
- Feedback: The feedback given by student’s trainees proves to be encouraging the next succeeding activity.
Evidence of Success:
- Awareness of current market situation with respect to new technologies: After this activity interdisciplinary students became aware of current technologies in each other’s field.
- Development of skills and improved knowledge: The knowledge provided in these activities is useful for them for their Professional life ahead.
Problems Encountered and Resources Required:
- Allocation of time for performing these skill development activities becomes difficult sometimes because of regular classes and practical.
The objective of Ponjesly College of Engineering is to provide outstanding technical education that combines vigorous academic study to experience learning success and become lifelong learners to practice sustainable development.The institution has a vision to become a centre of excellence in the field of engineering through futuristic technical education with high moralistic values and empower students for achieving their full potential to withstand the global competition. Students of the institution are stimulated to achieve excellence in their respective fields, through academic and research excellence, enabling them to sharpen their skills in multi- disciplinary areas, entrepreneurship, ethical and human values and earn while learning at the college.
The following initiatives are taken to achieve the institution’s core objectives to mold the students for better career and making them as responsible citizens:
- Staff review
Staff review is conducted on all Saturdays from morning to evening, which enables the faculty members to deliver the lecture classes effectively and cover the portions within the stipulated time period. All the subjects are well prepared and presented by individual staff members unit wise at the time of staff review, which helps the faculty members to handle the classes fluently without any hurdles. The senior faculty members provide guidance to the juniors and help them to deliver the lectures effectively. Staff Reviews are conducted in Conference Hall for all the Teaching Faculty in the presence of the Principal and Vice-Principal. Log books and Mentor files are being reviewed and the action is taken accordingly.
- Tutorial Test
Tutorial tests are also conducted subject wise on all the days as a measure to make the students study their daily portions. Test notes are evaluated on the same day and additional coaching is provided to needy students. Students are given intensive coaching and training to write the tutorial tests in their own way and insist them to draw the diagrams legibly. One to one coaching was given to the students. Students feel free and clear their doubts with the help of faculty members. The students are given the opportunity to share their views with the faculty members to enhance student teacher relationship.
- Coaching class for slow learners
Additional coaching in the form one to one is provided for slow learners helping them to learn better. The teacher explains the concept in a friendly manner, so that the students can feel free and clear their doubts, which helps them to improve their performance in the university examinations.
- Sports
PJCE has separate fully equipped grounds for athletics, tennis, basketball, indoor badminton court, volleyball courts, swimming pool and a big indoor badminton court of international standards. As an outcome of this, many of our students have performed well in state and national level sport events and won many prizes.
- Promoting extra-curricular activities
Through extracurricular activities, the students develop their full potential. Many students have won national and state level championships which added feather in the cap of PJCE. The numbers of prizes the students get from various colleges proves that they are multitalented. Students are encouraged through free transport and teacher mentorship to participate in inter-collegiate competitions and also to attend placement drives around the district. Parents feel very happy that their ward is always given individual care.
- Anna University Rank Holders
With the continuous effort and guidance of the teaching faculty and as the outcome of holistic development of student community, the college students has continuously secured Anna University ranks in end semester exams which adds laurel to the institution. The faculties who secure centum results in most of the subjects every semester are recognized by the institution.
- Achievements
Ponjesly College of Engineering is being the consistent title winner of the state level Talkathon competition “YOUTH TALK” organized by ICTACT academy in association with the Government of Tamilnadu for the years 2019, 2022 and 2023. One of the students of PJCE has won the first prize in a coding competition organized by TCS with a cash reward and a job offer in TCS.
- IQAC Re-Formation 19/07/2023 : Click here
- IQAC Re-Formation 12/08/2021 : Click here
- IQAC Re-Formation 16/07/2019 : Click here
- IQAC Formation 04/07/2017 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 05/08/2023 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 13/02/2023 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 18/07/2022 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 09/02/2022 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 24/08/2021 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 29/03/2021 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 07/08/2020 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 10/01/2020 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 09/07/2019 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 04/01/2019 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 09/08/2018 : Click here
- IQAC Minutes of Meeting 07/07/2017 : Click here
Chair Person IQAC

Chairperson IQAC
Principal & Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
Ponjesly College of Engineering,
Nagercoil – 629003.
Coordinator IQAC

IQAC Coordinator
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
Ponjesly College of Engineering,
Nagercoil – 629003.