Nature of Governance:
- Ponjesly Charity Trust was established in 1991. Shri.Pon Robert Singh, Chairman of Ponjesly College of Engineering, is a vibrant entrepreneur who is both an academic visionary and a successful businessman.
- The Ponjesly charity trust founded the Ponjesly College of Engineering in 2004. It is committed to providing high-quality technical education to all students and to preparing them with the necessary information, skills, and ability to confront the challenges of a changing world.
- The institution is controlled by a governing council comprised of distinguished members of the Management, renowned academicians, distinguished industrialists, and prominent educators.
- The Chairman and Director hold regular meetings with the principal, faculty, cells, and students. Faculty discussions with the HOD are essential for the collective proposals are thoroughly scrutinized later in the HOD’s sessions with the Principal.
- Subsequent meetings with high management guarantee that all information and proposals flow from bottom to top in a fluid hierarchy. The final decision is distributed to all parties for approval. Smooth communication set the way for effective interaction, feedback, teamwork, and new enterprises.
Decentralization and participation in the institutional governance:
- The faculties are given the opportunity to share their ideas for the betterment of the college. They participate in a variety of initiatives and make decisions at all levels.
- Each department’s Placement Coordinator plans and executes placement activities in the college. Exam Cell Coordinators assist in the smooth running of internal examination activities at the college. The Faculty conduct and coordinate seminars, workshops, symposiums, and conferences organized at the college.
- Participatory Management is a key cultural component of the institution. Management representatives, the principal, faculty members, and students all play critical roles in participatory management.
- A well-decentralized working system model is used. HODs are given complete autonomy to improve their departments in all respects. HODs have functional autonomy in deciding on and implementing departmental activities with faculty participation.
- Faculty members are nominated to serve on institution committees so that they can present unique ideas to obtain better results. The management supports the faculty’s suggestions for the college’s growth and improvement. The following is a list of the campus committees in operation:
- Anti -Ragging committee
- Discipline and welfare Committee
- Complaints cum Redressal Committee
- Internal Complaint Cell
- Committee for SC/ ST
- Committee for OBC
- Committee for Minority
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell
- Internal Quality Assurance Cell
- Training & Placement Cell
- Exam Cell
- Women Empowerment Cell
- Research & Development Cell
- Innovation Cell
- Sexual Harassment Committee
Establishment of Student Grievance cum Redressal Mechanism
Student Grievance cum Redressal System was established on 01-07-2021 as per AICTE norms, providing an online platform for institutions to receive and dispose of grievances online:
- A student/staff of the institution can lodge complaint through the system by registering in the website/e-mail address.
- After receiving notification/Email via system, admin will verify the authenticity of the complaint and forward the complaint to the concerned grievance cell member who deals with the specific complaint category for attending the grievance promptly and effectively.
- The Grievance cell member after proper redressal of the complaint through effective action sends reply to the complainant with supporting files, if any.
- Once the complaint is resolved, petitioner will get an alert message and he/she can view reply to the grievance posted.
- The complaints redressed will be shown as closed and the complainants can reopen the case if they are not satisfied with the solution or action taken on their grievance.
- The admin of the grievance system can also forward the complaint to next level of investigation for a satisfactory resolution.
- The stakeholders of institute tend to develop greater confidence in this online grievance and feedback mechanism as they are given formal acknowledgement via SMS, Email and other online notification in a confidential way.
- To maintain a fair, unbiased, and consistent system for redressal of various issues faced by the students.
- To ensure strict confidentiality so that students approach the Complaints cum Redressal Cell without the fear of any vindictive activity.
- To maintain a conducive atmosphere and relationship between the students and faculty without giving any chance to widen the gap between them that may arise because of certain simple misunderstandings.
- To ascertain that immediate suitable actions are taken by addressing the faculty or by requesting the management depending upon the nature of the grievance.
Composition of Grievance cum Redressal Committee
The principal shall determine the composition and tenures of the Grievance cum Redressal Committee is for two years.
Prof. Dr. Isaac Sajan R | Professor & Vice Principal (Senior Faculty) | Chair Person |
Prof. Dr. Geetha M R | Professor (Senior Faculty-Women) | Member |
Prof. Arulraj N K | Placement officer (Senior Faculty-OBC) | Member |
Prof. Maria sheeba | HoD-IT (Senior Faculty) | Member |
Prof. Suryaraj | Assistant Professor (Senior Faculty) | Member |
Mr. Anish Shajan | IV-ECE Student (Special Invitee) | Member |
Name of Ombudsman : Dr. A. Rajadurai
Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee
Establishment of Anti Ragging Committee (As per All India Council for Technical Education notified Regulation for prevention and prohibition of ragging in AICTE approved Technical Institutions vide No. 37-3/ Legal/ AICTE/ 2009 dated 01.07.2009) and (e) the UGC Regulations on Curbing the Menace of Ragging in Higher Educational Institutions, 2009 in this college. Contact numbers of the Principal, Wardens, Head of Departments, are given below and same have been prominently displayed at the hostels. In case of any objectionable behaviour of senior student, the above officials can be contacted. Ragging in any form is strictly prohibited and the students involved would be punished according to the legal provisions
Ponjesly College of Engineering has constituted a Committee to be known as the Anti-Ragging Committee to be nominated and headed by the Head of the Institution, and consisting of representatives of Civil and Police Administration, Local Media, Non- Government Organizations involved in youth activities, representatives of Faculty members, representatives of parents, representatives of students belonging to the fresher’s category as well as senior students, non-teaching staff and shall have a diverse mix of membership in term of Level as well as gender. All the first year students are informed that Anti-Ragging committee is formed As per Clause 6.3 (c), (d).
Responsibilities of Anti-Ragging Committee:
On receipt of the recommendation of the Anti-Ragging Squad or on receipt of any information concerning any reported incident of ragging, the Head of institution shall immediately determine if a case under the penal laws is made out and if so, either on his own or through a member of the Anti-Ragging Committee authorized by him in this behalf, proceed to file a First Information Report (FIR), within 24 hours of receipt of such information or recommendation, with the police and local authorities, under the appropriate penal provisions relating to one or more of the following, namely:
- Abetment to ragging
- Criminal conspiracy to rag
- Unlawful assembly and rioting while ragging
- Public nuisance created during ragging
- Violation of decency and morals through ragging
- Injury to body, causing hurt or grievous hurt
- Wrongful restraint
- Wrongful confinement
- Use of criminal force
- Assault as well as sexual offences or unnatural offences
- Extortion
- Criminal trespass
- Offences against property
- Criminal intimidation
- Attempts to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim(s)
- Threat to commit any or all of the above mentioned offences against the victim(s)
- Physical or psychological humiliation
- Other offences following from the definition of “Ragging”
Anti Ragging Committee Members:
Sl.No |
Name |
Position/ Role |
Category |
Occupation/ present Designation |
1. | Dr. M. R. Geetha | Chair person | Member | Professor |
2. | Dr. Manju C Thayammal | Convener | Lady representative | Professor /HOD/CSE |
3. | Dr.R. Isaac Sajan | Secretary | Vice Principal of the College | Vice Principal |
4. | Mr. Thiru Murugan | Member | Police Department | Inspector of Police, Vadasery |
5. | Mr. Raja Singh | Member | Revenue/ Taluk/ Civil Officers | Tahsildar |
6. | Adv.A. Arul Dhas | Member | Official of NGO | Lawyer |
7. | Mr.V.Suresh | Member | Official of NGO | Local Media |
8. | Mr. J. Thomas Prem Kumar | Member | Representatives of student | Civil Engineer |
9. | Mrs.P.Baby Mari | Member | Representatives of NTS | Technical Assistant |
10. | Dr. M. R. Kavitha | Member | Warden of Ladies Hostel | Professor |
11. | Prof. S. Arulson Daniel | Member | Member | Director |
12. | Dr. Manju C Thayammal | Convener | Lady representative | Professor /HOD/CSE |
13 | Prof.K Suresh | Member | Warden of Gents Hostel | AP/ Warden of Gents Hostel |
14 | Ms.J I.Ephratha | Member | Student Representative | II IT |
15. | Mr.A.V.Axlin Paul | Member | Student Representative | II IT |
16. | Mr.M.Maharaja | Member | Student Representative | III Civil |
17 | Mr.V.Valentine Vasanth Suman | Member | Student Representative | II Mech |
18 | Mr.S.B.Akhilesh | Member | Student Representative | II ECE |
Anti Ragging Squad Members:
Sl.No | Name | Position/Role | Category | Occupation/present Designation |
1. | Dr. M. R. Geetha | Chairperson | Faculty Member | Professor/ECE |
2. | Dr.M.R.Kavitha | Convener | HOD1 | Professor/HOD/ECE |
3. | Dr. Manju C Thayammal | Member | HOD2 | Professor/HOD/ CSE |
4. | Prof.K Suresh | Member | Faculty Members Male1 | AP/EEE/Warden of Gents Hostel |
5. | Prof.M.Maria Sheeba | Member | Faculty Members Female-1 | AP/ CSE |
6. | Prof.N.K.Arul Raj | Member | Faculty Members Male2 | AP/ECE |
7. | Prof.T.Thanga Shiny | Member | Faculty Members Female-2 | AP/ Civil |
8 | Dr.R.S.Chithra | Member | Faculty Members Female-3 | Professor / CSE |
9. | Dr. C. Gnana Thilaga | Member | Faculty Members Female-4 | AP / EEE |
10. | Mr.Ashley S.V. Joe | Member | Non Teaching Faculty | PRO |
- To bring the students belongs to OBC community at par with the main stream student body.
- To create a platform where students can point out their problems, regarding academic and nonacademic matters.
- To monitor the implementation of reservation policy in the institution.
- Committee often meets the students and faculties belong to OBC communities, to understand their problem and take necessary action and/or render them necessary advice/help to resolve the matter.
- Creating awareness among the OBC students regarding the various Government and Non-Government scholarship schemes.
- Counseling the students to help them overcome inferiority complex related to interaction with fellow students and personal grooming, etc.
Establishment of Committee for OBC
OBC cell has been constituted in the college campus to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the OBC students and faculties. The college takes special interest in facilitating all form of support to students from these communities from government agencies and other sources. The cell is always engaged to solve the various problems of OBC students. An OBC Cell is functioning in the campus to provide special assistance to the students belonging to the Other Backward Classes. The cell encourages the Students of Other Backward Classes (OBC) for higher education by ensuring scholarships and adequate support. The cell offers assistance in their curricular and co-curricular activities.
OBC Cell Members:
3. | Prof. JELBA J | AP-IT | MEMBER |
- To enhance equal opportunities for education of minorities.
- To facilitate financial support to students from minority communities from governmental agencies and other sources.
- To aware the minority students regarding various scholarships program of State Government and UGC.
- To take such follow up measures for achieving the objectives and targets laid down for the purpose by the Government of India and the UGC.
- To ensure provisions for an environment where all such students feel safe and secure.
- To encourage enrolling for career orientation programs which would empower and equip them with the necessary skills to choose a career options?
- To provide prompt counseling for any emotional emergencies arising on account of any event at the campus.
- To ensure protection and reservation as provided in the constitution of India.
Roles and Responsibilities
- To function as a Grievances Redressal Cell to address the grievances of minority students
- and to render necessary help in solving academic as well as administrative problems.
- To arrange special opportunities to enhance the career growth of the students.
- To conduct the programme for disseminating the scholarship schemes provided by governmental agencies and other sources.
Establishment of Committee for Minority
Minority cell has been constituted in the college campus to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the Minority students and faculties. Minority cell of the college was established with the purpose of empowering the minority communities in the college. “Every student has a right of education” by following the fact our institutes is very much keen to provide services to the educational and cultural needs of the Minority community along with other caste, creed and Nationality. The Minority Cell basically helps minority students including Christian, Muslim, Jain, Buddhists etc. for their academic development.
Minority Cell Members:
- Analyze information on admissions, education, training and employment of SCs and STs; prepare reports for transmission to the Ministry of Human Resource Development/University Grants Commission and such other authorities as may be required.
- Function as a Grievances Redressal Cell for the grievances of SC/ST students and employees and render them necessary help in solving their academic as well as administrative problems.
- To promote higher education among these two communities suffering economic, social and educational deprivations.
Establishment of Committee for SC/ ST
SC/ST cell has been constituted in the College Campus to resolve all the affairs and problems related to the SC/ST students and faculties. As per The Scheduled Castes and Tribes – Prevention of atrocities Act committee is established under Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tributes (prevention of Atrocities) Act. 1989, No.33 of 1989, Dated 11.09.1989) committee is constituted for Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil 3. To comply with AICTE regulations for the establishment of the Committee for SC/ST (as per the Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes (prevention of Atrocities) act, 1989, No.33 of 1989, 11/09/1989) the committee is as follows:-
Sl.No; | Name of Member of Committee | Designation | Role |
1 | Dr. G. Natarajan | Principal | Coordinator |
2 | Prof. B.S. Shyni | Asst. Professor | Teacher Lady Representative |
3 | Prof. K. Suresh | Asst. Professor | Teacher Gents Representative |
4 | Mr. Anand Rajkumar | Skilled Assistant/Office (Scholarship) | Non-teaching representative and coordinator |
5 | Mr.M. Maharaja | Student | Student Representative – Third year Civil |
6 | Mr. V. Tamil Raj | Student | Student Representative – Final Year Mech |
7 | Mr.V.P.Vishal | Student | Student Representative – Final Year EEE |
Women Empowerment Cell:
Establishment of Women Empowerment Cell
The Women Empowerment Cell is to create social awareness about the problems of women and in particular regarding gender discrimination. Changing negative attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs of the public that they are the main barriers and making obstacles for women’s peace, women’s role and contribution in the political process, decision making, development, and women’s participation in peace building. Increase the mass awareness and education on women’s peace, peace building process, women’s Rights, women’s roles, and contribution to peace building. Sharing of experience, exchanging of good practices, and mutual learning between local and International Actors, public authorities’ representatives, activist women, and women’s union executives. Promoting the principle of anti-discrimination and gender equality concepts in organizations practices.
Name | Designation | Department | Position |
Prof.M.Maria Sheeba | HoD | IT | Convener |
Dr.M.R.Geetha | IQAC Coordinator | ECE | Co-Convener |
Prof.M.Manchu | Assistant Professor | CSE | Coordinator |
Prof.J. Vinu | Assistant Professor | IT | Coordinator |
Prof.Thanga Shiny | Assistant Professor | Civil | Coordinator |
Dr. KebilaAnnsSubi | Professor | ECE | Coordinator |
Mrs.Sree Devi | Assistant Professor | H & S | Coordinator |
Prof. Smitha | Assistant Professor | EEE | Coordinator |
Mr. Murugan | Librarian | Library | Coordinator |
Prof.B.S.Shiny | Assistant Professor | Mech | Coordinator |
Roles And Responsibilities
- Raising the status of women through education, raising awareness, literacy, and training.
- Giving training related to defense.
- Equipping and allowing women to make life-determining decisions through the different problems in society.
- Create high-level corporate leadership for gender equality.
- Treat all people fairly at work, respecting and supporting non-discrimination and human rights.
- Ensure the health, wellbeing and safety of all workers, whether male or female.
- Promote education, training and professional development for women.
Womens Day - Student Acheivers

Womens Day - Staff Acheivers

Establishment of Discipline & Welfare Committee
Indiscipline is a serious aspect of concern amongst students owing to peer pressure and other kinds of distractions around them. Their behaviour changes and they react differently to various situations. This committee monitors the students and ensures that no indiscipline happens. Also, in the event of any indiscipline activities, action is taken by the committee. The Institute’s mission encourages students to explore in order to advance knowledge at the highest level. It also expects its students to uphold the highest standards of respect, integrity, and civility. With this context, the discipline committee was formed to resolve complaints of alleged violations of policies and/or community standards by a student, former student, or student organization in a way that is objective and educational, not legalistic or adversarial. The Discipline & welfare Committee is responsible for resolving complaints against students and student organizations and to decide the appropriate Institute response. The procedure that the Committee uses to hear and respond to such complaints is described in the Discipline Rules and Regulations. These procedures are designed to ensure equity and fairness to the complainant and the accused.
Function and Responsibilities:
- To maintain general discipline among students
- To deal with issues of indiscipline and decide on necessary action
- To preserve / protect the welfare of staff and students and the institution
- To deliberate upon issue concerning welfare of the college and come out with solutions for them
Composition of Discipline & Welfare Committee
The principal shall determine the composition and tenures of the Discipline & Welfare Committee with the members listed below.
Sl. No. | Name | Position | Category |
1 | Prof.A.Saravanan | Secretary | Head of the Department |
2 | Dr. G. Natarajan | Member | Principal |
3 | Prof. Preetha Sherly | Member | Head of the Department |
4 | Prof.Maria Sheeba | Member | Head of the Department |
5 | Dr.M.R.Geetha | Member | IQAC Coordinator |
6 | Dr.R.Isaac Sajan | Member | Vice Principal |
7 | Dr.Manju.C. Thayammal | Member | Head of the Department |
8 | Dr.G.Arumugasamy | Member | Head of the Department |
9 | Prof. S. Arulson Daniel | Member | Senior Faculty |
10 | Dr. J. Judith Diana Jeyanthy | Member | Student Counselor (Staff) |
11 | Dr. G. Sindhuja Micheal | Member | Lady faculty member |
12 | Prof.K.Suresh | Member | Warden / Deputy Warden |
Establishment of Internal Complaint Committee (ICC)
As required by AICTE, Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil has constituted the Internal Complaints Committee (ICC) (Gender Sensitization, Prevention and Prohibition of Sexual Harassment of Women Employees and Students and Redressal of Grievances in Technical Institutions) headed by a Senior Professor. This is in compliance with the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India, (All India Council for Technical Education), Official Gazette Notification, Dated: 10th June, 2016, vide AICTE No.: F.AICTE/WH/2016/01, Regulations, 2016, which being statutory in nature, are binding on Technical Institutions. Even before that ensuring the safety of women and youth, and programmes for Gender sensitization on campuses across the country was earmarked and mandated as a matter of the highest priority by the government. In this direction, Ponjesly College of Engineering, Nagercoil has set up an ICC in each and every year. . Before this, matters of this nature were dealt directly the administration through need-based committees headed by the senior most faculty members. ICC in pursuance of UGC (prevention, prohibition and redressal of sexual harassment of women employees and students in higher educational institutions) Regulations 2015,the existing Sexual Harassment Redressal Committee (SHRC) is renamed as ICC to deals with the complaints relating to sexual harassment at work place.
Roles and Responsibilities
- To ensure provision of a work and an environment that is free from sexual harassment (Sexual harassment is defined by law from the perspective of the person who feels they have been harassed and it occurs if the person who feels they have been harassed, feels offended, humiliated, or intimidated by the conduct).
- To take all reasonable steps (active and preventive in nature) to prevent the harassment occurring;
- Providing information to all staff and students about what constitutes sexual harassment and about their responsibility not to sexually harass other staff and students
- Develop a written policy which prohibits sexual harassment. The Institution shall have a Sexual Harassment Policy. The policy outlines the Institute’s key commitments and legal responsibilities and provides a definition of sexual harassment and behaviors that are not acceptable.
- Regularly distribute and promote the policy at all levels of the organization;
- Display anti-sexual harassment posters on notice boards in common work areas and distribute relevant brochures;
Internal Complaint Committee Members
S.No | Name of the Members | Designation/POSH Cell |
1. | Dr.M R Geetha | Convenor ,POSH cell |
2. | Prof.Maria Sheeba | Convenor, Women Empowerment |
3. | Ms.Sakthi Ishwarya | Student Representative (ECE) |
4. | Mrs.X.Delphin | Staff Representative(ECE) |
5. | Mrs.E.Jessy Mol | Staff Representative (EEE) |
6. | R B Rashni | Student Representative (EEE) |
7. | Mrs M.Manchu | Staff Representative (CSE) |
8. | Ms.Arsha R S | Student Representative (CSE) |
9. | Ms.H R Haritha | Student Representative (Mech) |
10. | Mrs.T L Nija Shining Gold | Staff Representative (IT) |
11. | Neha V | Student Representative (IT) |
12. | Mrs.R.Angel | Staff Representative(Civil) |
13. | Ms.Biolin Jeya | Student Representative (Civil) |
14. | Mrs.I.Annlin Selcy | Staff Representative(First year) |
15. | Ms.Brighta | Student Representative(First year) |
16. | Dr.F.Merlin Sugirtha | Staff Representative(MBA) |
17. | Ms.Anushya M(II MBA) | Student Representative(MBA) |