1 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Introduction to Engineering Chemistry | https://youtu.be/L3P6xB5tqU8 |
2 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Water and it’s Characteristics | https://youtu.be/K0_XHf0jCiM |
3 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Hardness | https://youtu.be/mAjK6yE32bQ |
4 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Problems based on hardness | https://youtu.be/9aHMixSYJWs |
5 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Boiler troubles | https://youtu.be/eKgxml_o3xQ |
6 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Ion exchange Process | https://youtu.be/4YZo8lD5Pno |
7 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Internal Treatment | https://youtu.be/VG7aoy8PcLs |
8 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Desalination of Brackish Water by reverse osmosis | https://youtu.be/bKwWdACFnXM |
9 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Estimation of hardness of water by EDTA | https://youtu.be/dp2fIH_pUDE |
10 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Problems related to EDTA | https://youtu.be/D1hKK6kLeWc |
11 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Introduction – Terminology related to surface chemistry | https://youtu.be/8sP79nlRqSY |
12 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Types of adsorption | https://youtu.be/Rnwl75d4brI |
13 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Adsorption of gases on solids | https://youtu.be/rXQpR9nmGac |
14 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Adsorption of solute from solutions | https://youtu.be/RCU6YdX13A0 |
15 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Adsorption Isotherms | https://youtu.be/5miwld8v_H0 |
16 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Freundlich’s Adsorption Isotherm | https://youtu.be/Pfh4e5zYvBo |
17 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Langmuir’s Adsorption Isotherm | https://youtu.be/HT6KXC0Vyx0 |
18 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Contact Theory | https://youtu.be/CHgbLLkM5CU |
19 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Kinetics of Surface Reactions – Unimolecular Reactions | https://youtu.be/iM3TtlU92zw |
20 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Applications of adsorption on pollution abatement | https://youtu.be/GbusUoXu078 |
21 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Catalyst, Types of Catalysis | https://youtu.be/3AsSnPVpP9M |
22 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Criteria of catalysis, catalytic poisoning, catalytic promoters | https://youtu.be/T3S9Hty-5NQ |
23 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Acid Base Catalysis | https://youtu.be/Xvi8rRdnZio |
24 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Application – Catalytic Converter | https://youtu.be/VjsP-G5EVLY |
25 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Enzyme Catalysis – Characteristics | https://youtu.be/NOY-z8ei0SY |
26 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Michaeli’s-Menten Equation | https://youtu.be/uty-ir4yJ60 |
27 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Introduction – Alloys – Definition – Properties and Significance of alloying | https://youtu.be/a9M4uQls70Y |
28 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Introduction – Alloys – Definition – Properties and Significance of alloying | https://youtu.be/a9M4uQls70Y |
29 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Function and effect of alloying elements | https://youtu.be/VryIP0eP1EQ |
30 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Nichrome and Stainless steel | https://youtu.be/pXbJeoDTRu4 |
31 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Heat treatment of Steel | https://youtu.be/8g9H85LkqPk |
32 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Phase Rule – Introduction – Definition of terms with examples (part 1) | https://youtu.be/szex2l3qFFg |
33 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Phase Rule – Introduction – Definition of terms with examples (part 2) | https://youtu.be/wlh65cWi2Ec |
34 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | One Component System – Water System | https://youtu.be/FcNMYWlWTak |
35 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Thermal analysis and Cooling curves | https://youtu.be/EPywSL6ZTqg |
36 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Two Component System – Lead Silver System | https://youtu.be/UqaDna25UPc |
37 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Lead Silver system – Pattinson process | https://youtu.be/Wonoai98zU8 |
38 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Fuels – Introduction – Classification of Fuels – Coal | https://youtu.be/WcFGjjqhUFA |
39 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Analysis of coal – Proximate Analysis | https://youtu.be/ZzL2nIOUQoM |
40 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Analysis of coal – Ultimate Analysis | https://youtu.be/rSIoyCXYuFw |
41 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Carbonisation – Manufacture of Metallurgical coke by Otto-Hoffman method | https://youtu.be/IvyW1gWvbk8 |
42 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Petroleum | https://youtu.be/XTqO254J_SI |
43 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Manufacture of synthetic petrol- Bergius Process | https://youtu.be/fP7XjSYFPnY |
44 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Knocking – Octane number – Diesel oil – Cetane number | https://youtu.be/s42cFoDWS3s |
45 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Natural Gas – Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) – Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG) | https://youtu.be/xPHVj9pZ9fA |
46 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Power Alcohol | https://youtu.be/hpwzovINh7I |
47 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Biodisel | https://youtu.be/Lhl0JQy3tzg |
48 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Combustion of Fuels – Calorific value – GCV- NCV | https://youtu.be/SKbaECMDHrA |
49 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Theoretical calculation of calorific value – Problems (Part 1) | https://youtu.be/1vfSvjQtWjs |
50 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Theoretical calculation of calorific value – Problems (Part 2) | https://youtu.be/4hPKlsmdgCk |
51 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Ignition temperature – Spontaneous ignition temperature – explosive range | https://youtu.be/xYzjHFaQ69U |
52 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Flue gas analysis – ORSAT method | https://youtu.be/O0nDTWduFFg |
53 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Fuels and Combustion – Definitions (Part – 1) | https://youtu.be/8y-MMX1BSHY |
54 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Fuels and Combustion – Definitions (Part – 2) | https://youtu.be/UZpc17zggoA |
55 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Nuclear Fission Reaction – Introduction | https://youtu.be/PS_lxdMkK_8 |
56 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Nuclear Fission Reaction – Controlled Nuclear Fission Reaction | https://youtu.be/sJu2IryD3aU |
57 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Nuclear Fusion Reaction – Differences between Fission and Fusion Reaction | https://youtu.be/bAvBHGaJTE0 |
58 | CY -ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY(CY 8151) | Nuclear Chain Reaction – Nuclear energy | https://youtu.be/NIGGYHOlGwA |
59 | CY-ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY (8151) | Softening method | https://youtu.be/6TeFbUigvPc |
60 | EG Engineering Graphics | Freehand Sketching/ Problem 2 | https://youtu.be/ukuoHXheyA0 |
61 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Engineering Graphics | https://youtu.be/9tLCw_RNTHk |
62 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Engineering Graphics | https://youtu.be/GUI9as3Uw3s |
63 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Conic Section | https://youtu.be/I289agcGZrU |
64 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Ellipse | https://youtu.be/AS9VMY8ixpE |
65 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of a Parabola | https://youtu.be/v5iouBlrHfM |
66 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of a Hyperbola | https://youtu.be/tOyvN8Iy01k |
67 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Twisted or Indirect questions from Conic Section | https://youtu.be/lNSrqpDnAbE |
68 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Cycloidal Curves | https://youtu.be/suTb4iggu-I, |
69 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Cycloid on Horizontal Plane | https://youtu.be/rixKvaAoRCc |
70 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Cycloid on Inclined Plane | https://youtu.be/RaR8fEVBBaI |
71 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Epicycloid | https://youtu.be/zsMh9b3dLaY |
72 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Hypocycloid | https://youtu.be/rSBuy8A_O6E |
73 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Twisted or Indirect Questions from Cycloidal Curves | https://youtu.be/d9olI4-kv_w |
74 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Involute | https://youtu.be/lBI8Rqeai2k |
75 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Square Involute | https://youtu.be/ZVMcXvf33Ns |
76 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of Square Involute , Construction of an Involute of Circle/ Problem 1 | https://youtu.be/wkeDJIr8lL0 , https://youtu.be/pUOA15GCJ8Y |
77 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of an Involute of Circle – Problem 2 | https://youtu.be/nqDdzoPW2GE |
78 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Construction of an Involute of Circle – Problem 3 | https://youtu.be/-rahB2M84u4 |
79 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Orthographic Projection | https://youtu.be/-go1sBEKrrU |
80 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Freehand Sketching / Problem 1 | https://youtu.be/dO4KfCcZZ_c |
81 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Freehand Sketching/ Problem 3 | https://youtu.be/w1Gp2wQYUoo |
82 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Freehand Sketching/ Problem 4 | https://youtu.be/1OzRT_iUDrM |
83 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Projections of Points | https://youtu.be/bU5H6lyxYHs |
84 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Points / Problem | https://youtu.be/C5oxhXBxK58 |
85 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Projections of Straight Lines | https://youtu.be/93flhAaNNNw |
86 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 1 | https://youtu.be/O0t32oZzA28 |
87 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 2 | https://youtu.be/Kmjgpq3tHz4 |
88 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 3 | https://youtu.be/p_GPon0RuCk |
89 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 4 | https://youtu.be/tOd3YDyiMt8 |
90 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 5 | https://youtu.be/12m4puJkmr4 |
91 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 6 | https://youtu.be/yo8_qhOX0x8 |
92 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Straight Lines / Problem 7 | https://youtu.be/e1qgEAtOaCU |
93 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Projections of Plane Surfaces | https://youtu.be/OvkIzkWdUyQ |
94 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 1 ( Square plane is resting on HP with one of its sides/edges) | https://youtu.be/cgzjzCgYSRM |
95 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 2 ( Rectangular plane is resting on HP with one of its shorter sides/edges) | https://youtu.be/XNywkukPs3c |
96 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 3 ( Triangular plane is resting on VP with one of its sides/edges) | https://youtu.be/MRBrke-CPaU |
97 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 4 ( Pentagonal plane is resting on HP with one of its Corners) | https://youtu.be/u9ez-xHZUsk |
98 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 5 ( Hexagonal plane is resting on VP with one of its sides/edges) | https://youtu.be/c8UTe1TI7mE |
99 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 6 & 7 ( Circular plane is resting on HP with one of its circumferential points) | https://youtu.be/KNZQDwV_VXA , https://youtu.be/rpUawLODAas |
100 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 8 ( Isosceles Triangular plane looks like an equilateral triangle in front view) & Problem – 9 (A rectangular plate is seen as square in front view) | https://youtu.be/M0Rd5l34yo4 , https://youtu.be/aPlPqEqR1Vc |
101 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 10 ( Equilateral Triangle is resting on HP with one of its sides / edges) & Problem-11 ( Hexagonal plane is resting with one of the corners on HP and opposite corner on VP) | https://youtu.be/naqhdG5L9rU, https://youtu.be/kBY9MoLB93U |
102 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Projections of Plane Surfaces | Problem – 12 ( Pentagonal plate is resting on HP and VP with one of its corners) and Problem – 13 ( A set square is resting on HP with its longer side) | https://youtu.be/3IG9_R1wm3o, https://youtu.be/ZHuLB6lA1_c |
103 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Projections of Solids | https://youtu.be/Vv7fmZpHqRo |
104 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 1 (Hexagonal Prism is resting on HP with one of its base corners) | https://youtu.be/SKHJZ0g3rZo |
105 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 2 ( Cylinder is resting on VP with a point of base) | https://youtu.be/skJ11GXG8-g |
106 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 3 ( Hexagonal Pyramid is resting on HP with one of its edges) | https://youtu.be/JYk4rYIHjqo |
107 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 4 ( Cone is resting on HP with a point) | https://youtu.be/SRCZ7GXJ9Gg |
108 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 5 ( Cube is resting on HP with one of its corner with the diagonal of the solid kept vertical) | https://youtu.be/c6vaA32Nh6U |
109 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 6 ( Pentagonal Pyramid is freely suspended by a string) | https://youtu.be/Uu5M7Yi-GOQ |
110 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 7 ( Hexagonal prism, one of its rectangular faces on HP) and Problem – 8 ( Pentagonal Pyramid, one of its triangular faces on HP) | https://youtu.be/mJXGrm_Hv18, https://youtu.be/vGwTS9vD3Wc |
111 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 9 ( Hexagonal Pyramid, resting on HP with one of its base edges) and Problem – 10 ( Tetrahedron, resting on HP with one of its edges) | https://youtu.be/LkPEpwO8wPs, https://youtu.be/aTTUPfQikAM |
112 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Sections of Solids | https://youtu.be/N_Ca7Ra9_iA |
113 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 1 ( Square Prism) | https://youtu.be/pE-cIVJ-BqA |
114 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 11 ( Pentagonal Prism is resting on VP with one of its corners) | https://youtu.be/TmW4TMpj5M8 |
115 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 2 ( Hexagonal Pyramid) | https://youtu.be/kcOxC9lHIhM |
116 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 3 ( Cube) | https://youtu.be/MsOMHwaFZ0o |
117 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Problem – 4 ( Cube, True shape of the cut part is a Regular Hexagon) and Problem – 5 ( Cone) | https://youtu.be/35o0haN0fl4 , https://youtu.be/We0mzuFGp5c |
118 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Introduction to Communicative English | https://youtu.be/Z5eIED0Ilgc |
119 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | prefixes and suffixes | https://Youtu.be/15tLweReg3I. |
120 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Present Tense | https://youtu.be/hqQzQowsJw0 |
121 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Past Tense | https://youtu.be/zjubtnkWRwo |
122 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Future Tense | https://youtu.be/_OFLRCshFGk |
123 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Transformation of Degrees | https://youtu.be/eqz4Q6x0HoY |
124 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | parts of speech | https://youtu.be/V4cFR3dCZFw |
125 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Listening and speaking | https://youtu.be/_-hIO24QxQk |
126 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Pronoun | https://youtu.be/ONpYjwrMxbY |
127 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Articles | https://youtu.be/A8UiSID4C6M |
128 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | conjunctions | https://youtu.be/1UfuVN-O5CU |
129 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | phrases and clauses | https://youtu.be/TBEtwcz4-jI |
130 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | preposition | https://youtu.be/xmpEL8JWGQI |
131 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Question tags | https://youtu.be/LaD4oQmi4To |
132 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | voices | https://youtu.be/Ld8XKCyd3Qk |
133 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Interchange of voices | https://youtu.be/CjTImnXZ4y8 |
134 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | conditional clauses | https://youtu.be/oBc1iKp4Hx4 |
135 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | simple and complex sentences | https://youtu.be/HRy4N8vyCIM |
136 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Adverbs | https://youtu.be/mtP_ClTRFXs |
137 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | compound sentences | https://youtu.be/YSUX0YxaZrA |
138 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Transformation of sentences | https://youtu.be/HtJJDYuhXUY |
139 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Transformation of sentences II | https://youtu.be/lzD3Vz8qYXM |
142 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Direct vs Indirect questions | https://youtu.be/ejagvm7nWW4 |
143 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Direct and Indirect speech | https://youtu.be/RKWbkHYkKwE |
144 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Interrogative sentences | https://youtu.be/tPE910eJKyk |
145 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Imperative and Exclamatory sentences | https://youtu.be/1_lvhXuyM50 |
146 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Modal verbs | https://youtu.be/hTKkeV-LBSI |
147 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Fixed and Semifixed Expressions | https://youtu.be/iTHPMSSGwZ4 |
148 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Sentence pattern | https://youtu.be/rMMxvoCMCQM |
149 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Subject verb agreement | https://youtu.be/0UPGIN7Db40 |
150 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | spot the errors | https://youtu.be/cfmAiEIwwFs |
151 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Letter Writing | https://youtu.be/cY00XbO3rCw |
152 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Examples_Degrees of comparison | https://youtu.be/qojshIugBU8 |
153 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Direct vs indirect Questions II | https://youtu.be/U4vDuLuTjf0 |
154 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | connective adverbs | https://youtu.be/3KPgLQh-VeU |
155 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | combining sentences | https://youtu.be/OjYBcUZrNvs |
156 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | synthesising sentences | https://youtu.be/0W8gS8xzkC8 |
157 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Jumbled sentences | https://youtu.be/nGff0KvzTLA |
158 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Dialogue writing | https://youtu.be/cRUxiV99mGo |
159 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | usage of present tense | https://youtu.be/Chjbh4rHp6U |
160 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | usage of past tense | https://youtu.be/CZGcAU8_tFo |
161 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | usage of future tense | https://youtu.be/kCmToeNFntA |
162 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | usage of tenses | https://youtu.be/wDpzS9Vba7A |
163 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Direct to Indirect | https://youtu.be/WfnzVT_qgeQ |
164 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | indirect to direct | https://youtu.be/_N0F6Xmm3I0 |
165 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Transformation of interrogative sentences | https://youtu.be/rYtKU8TyvLA |
166 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Transformation of imperative and exclamatory sentences | https://youtu.be/NWKQSW7vT4s |
167 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | single word substitute | https://youtu.be/mSNDWp99zPc |
168 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Fixed and Semifixed expression | https://youtu.be/9jdDYrM3b5g |
169 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Active to passive present tense | https://youtu.be/vhjg3pMJWkc |
170 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Active to passive past tense | https://youtu.be/KgnKOqCudSI |
171 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | Active to passive Future tense | https://youtu.be/Nn-Nmhmysp8 |
172 | HS – COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH (HS 8151) | passive to active | https://youtu.be/aqB02DlcEUM |
173 | HS-COMMUNICATIVE ENGLISH | Degrees of comparison | https://youtu.be/EQYkzduc2Bc |
174 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Introduction to Engineering mathematics1 | https://youtu.be/BsFRPMJH7PU |
175 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Introduction to Differential Equations | https://youtu.be/M60ytbovSW0 |
176 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Complementary Functions II | https://youtu.be/EeM50swSYV8 |
177 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | complementary Function III | https://youtu.be/UQieB_q8FS8 |
178 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Particular integral-Type1-Problem 1 | https://youtu.be/IaiTlZg8gbU |
179 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Particular integral-Type1-Problem 2 | https://youtu.be/TRl6sp7XibY |
180 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Particular integral-Type2-Problem 1 | https://youtu.be/i55VPQXa5tg |
181 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-II R.H.S =sinax or cosax, problem 2 | https://youtu.be/GhMAEp_TKfw |
182 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-II R.H.S =sinax or cosax, problem 3 | https://youtu.be/X3weD5x8lzY |
183 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-III, R.H.S =x^m , problem 1,2 | https://youtu.be/7XnoVbz8mts, https://youtu.be/Df6NrG4BkUs |
184 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-IV R.H.S= (e^ax) V(x) problem-1,2 | https://youtu.be/yJy6Q5Su4nA , https://youtu.be/qJSKtfaJhKc |
185 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-IV R.H.S= (e^ax) V(x) problem-3 | https://youtu.be/1CkJUqwGnrI |
186 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Type-VR.H.S=x^m sinax(or)x^m cosax problem-1,2 | https://youtu.be/P4DvYc3yuyA , https://youtu.be/br3xYRl4hyY |
187 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Cauchy’s linear differential equations, problems-1,2 | https://youtu.be/O7ftEqQHdgo , https://youtu.be/jMDioooo9S4 |
188 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Cauchy’s linear differential equations, problems-3 | https://youtu.be/5HZQWGtOKP8 |
189 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Legendre’s linear differential equations, problems-1,2 | https://youtu.be/Z1FHstJ8RM8, https://youtu.be/AFOusIRy6mg |
190 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations, problem-1 | https://youtu.be/UNAgy6JjvNY |
191 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Simultaneous Linear Differential Equations, problem-2 | https://youtu.be/HLFdVihLwwU |
192 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Method of Variation Of Parameters, Problem-1, 2 | https://youtu.be/lWdeApJXY1s , https://youtu.be/cNO_NcHgGoU |
193 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Method of Undetermined Coefficients, Problem-1, 2 | https://youtu.be/HvgLTY1ELcU;https://youtu.be/Z9poItNqTJE |
194 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Introduction, Domain,even and odd functions | https://youtu.be/kvm8HZ7Q4ew , https://youtu.be/jXbGmeZ9W5A |
195 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Guess the limit- problems -1,2 | https://youtu.be/cu2FO9ohhzs;https://youtu.be/IqEqgi7_S_Y |
196 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Guess the limit Problem-3;Limit laws Problem-1&2 | https://youtu.be/r14kxdNOfjA , https://youtu.be/AlMhG_Q5S6s |
197 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Limit Laws problem -3&4 and Squeeze Theorem | https://youtu.be/TvH5OjS19ls , https://youtu.be/qqUdVIjxBkU |
198 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Continuity ,Problem-1, 2 &3 | https://youtu.be/4o789vZVi-g , https://youtu.be/zfYELnrO7y4 , https://youtu.be/LP-aJVl6ZOs |
199 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Differentiation Problem-1, 2, 3 & 4 | https://youtu.be/W4dRqUCAsHE;https://youtu.be/cH4GID9_ES0 |
200 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Differentiation Problem- 5 , 6 & 7 | https://youtu.be/str2m2TeyI4;https://youtu.be/65BiAdt5J7U |
201 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Differentiation Problem- 8 ; Tangent | https://youtu.be/Uzd5uGhEMbk , https://youtu.be/Qp2aFcI7TE0 |
202 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Local max and min ,Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/Ls28BgbvGB4 |
203 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Local max and min ,Problem-2 | https://youtu.be/nJa1SyC9vvc |
204 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Local max and min ,Problem-3 | https://youtu.be/XaGoA_S89Kw |
205 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Local max and min ,Problem-4 | https://youtu.be/Y-tSg042SRw |
206 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Introduction and Find the partial derivatives, Problem-1,2 | https://youtu.be/XNHt4Niak8k |
207 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Find the partial derivatives, Problem-3 and Euler’s Theorem | https://youtu.be/vn6ZbpB8IAQ , https://youtu.be/JoruM5vCZII |
208 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Total Derivatives,Type -I , Problem-1 and Total Derivatives Type-II, Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/OWnFLYH0sYE , https://youtu.be/OWDYmPWLkAI |
209 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Total Derivatives,Type -III , Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/6NaBJYxtGvY |
210 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Jacobian , Problem – 1,2 | https://youtu.be/-Xcw-3OESiA;https://youtu.be/xIodb1dlxmM |
211 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Jacobian , Problem-3 and Two marks | https://youtu.be/8nOWAJKoTNY , https://youtu.be/lN1h7kmxbCI |
212 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Taylor’s Theorem, Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/B8D6McswKuQ |
213 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Taylor’s Theorem, Problem-2 | https://youtu.be/5J4W9PgsTDI |
214 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Taylor’s Theorem, Problem-3 | https://youtu.be/f5wcaonfyHY |
215 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Maxima and Minima for two variables, Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/OMd3TJJQoAU |
216 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Maxima and Minima for two variables, Problem-2 | https://youtu.be/wHvpLUPtbVs |
217 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers, Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/XlcJu4bYTEo |
218 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Lagrange’s method of undetermined multipliers, Problem-2,3 | https://youtu.be/r6KqgfE2TD8 , https://youtu.be/Dh3bWMVCfyI |
219 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Introduction,Problems in definite integral | https://youtu.be/NotDOt0KNGU |
220 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Substitution rule ( Algebraic and Logarithmic functions) | https://youtu.be/KDWfdgUfwp0 |
221 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Problems in indefinite and Substitution rule ( Trigonometric functions) | https://youtu.be/YvW2fbFP7j4 ; https://youtu.be/YuBFOmi__Vs |
222 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Integration by parts problems -1,2 | https://youtu.be/ULg62Wx1a1I , https://youtu.be/1MG2ug9ADM4 |
223 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Reduction formula , Problem-1 | https://youtu.be/Rx3xCU1LEZM |
224 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Reduction formula , Problem-2 | https://youtu.be/Nbf2gio8oAM |
225 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Trigonometric integrals, Session-1 | https://youtu.be/V2u6ltXDArw |
226 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Trigonometric integrals, Session-2 | https://youtu.be/tVxEJomtE4o |
227 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Trigonometric substitution, Problem-1,2 | https://youtu.be/L3Wb9FPQA1E;https://youtu.be/6IYdanaMwUM |
228 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Trigonometric substitution, Problem-3 | https://youtu.be/N5_ka7KXfPM |
229 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | -Integration by Partial fraction pr 1, 2 | https://youtu.be/u4olpOJ8ax4 , https://youtu.be/bF_kZaEUu6M |
230 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Integration by Irrational functions Type- 1 & Type-2 | https://youtu.be/JLECBCWRkQI , https://youtu.be/ljlJ0iVQZGo |
231 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Integration by Irrational functions Type- 3 & Type-4 | https://youtu.be/Lo1K5mfYuBM, https://youtu.be/0Xni9g5LX8o |
232 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Introduction to Engineering Physics | https://youtu.be/39RA70rRk0g |
233 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Introduction – Elasticity | https://youtu.be/ka5WUrAhaJM |
234 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | stress – strain Diagram | https://youtu.be/C3hEI09WNiA |
235 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Factors Affecting Elasticity | https://youtu.be/pslEOeVHHL4 |
236 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Twisting Couple | https://youtu.be/HSSsICP_EMw |
237 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Torsion Pendulum | https://youtu.be/HBsx6a-8quQ , https://youtu.be/ZLGoT05qUvg |
238 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Internal Bending Moment | https://youtu.be/ouwicukjxOc |
239 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Cantilever | https://youtu.be/4u5Ha7A1Ce0 |
240 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Uniform Bending | https://youtu.be/dnbUpwIJa0Q |
241 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Laser | https://youtu.be/LugD-JWbgZU |
242 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Einstein’s A and B Co-efficients | https://youtu.be/VBxnB6idIj0 |
243 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Homo junction semiconductor Laser | https://youtu.be/hsacusE8T94 |
244 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Heterojunction semiconductor Laser | https://youtu.be/rkx7sByAshg |
245 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | LASER- Problems | https://youtu.be/aThJA3tXD04 |
246 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Fibre Optics | https://youtu.be/3wjjNmxnBJA |
247 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Acceptance angle and Numerical aperture | https://youtu.be/1zYrIHDrjMs |
248 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Types of optical fibre – 1 | https://youtu.be/qtklK1_WLFM |
249 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Types of optical fiber -2 | https://youtu.be/nwrJSaBH_g4 |
250 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Fibre Optic sensor | https://youtu.be/LmDQ_JFws1E |
251 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Temperature/Pressure Sensor | https://youtu.be/0-IbLgmC7J4 |
252 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Loss in Optical fibre | https://youtu.be/W2_TpPKhZlY |
253 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Fibre Optics-Problems | https://youtu.be/S9sWBMGXyLQ |
254 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Waves-1 | https://youtu.be/6P6gamcGSnw |
255 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Waves-2 | https://youtu.be/e_mGdUIWf6A |
256 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Plane progressive wave | https://youtu.be/-VIU3fZhKgc |
257 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Forced oscillation | https://youtu.be/mYGC_P-jtko |
258 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Damped Oscillations | https://youtu.be/vRybl_SgFnk |
259 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Waves-Problems | https://youtu.be/fzo0Nvss5HU |
260 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Transfer of heat energy | https://youtu.be/cHwVUHdKDuI |
261 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Methods of determining thermal conductivity | https://youtu.be/EkfclE6_580 |
262 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Heat flow through compound media | https://youtu.be/ptWjbgmYawc |
263 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Thermal conductivity – problems | https://youtu.be/Q5r_A8c_tLk |
264 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Lee’s disc method | https://youtu.be/_s_gy1ly9Dc |
265 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Thermal Physics-Problem | https://youtu.be/OYvBPhn2bDI |
266 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Forbe’s method | https://youtu.be/IpWjSCQ2d8g |
267 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Thermal expansion in solids and liquids | https://youtu.be/yQkq6RMw4vM |
268 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Heat exchanger | https://youtu.be/GWUaiGJaZpc |
269 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Types of Heat exchanger | https://youtu.be/LEAnlvTHj1c |
270 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Refrigerator | https://youtu.be/N3GKvP_5Hno |
271 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Solar water heater | https://youtu.be/KqAVi3iyUs0 |
272 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Microwave oven | https://youtu.be/coJ7qNhsA2k |
273 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Black body radiation | https://youtu.be/r4SGf8jnSrY |
274 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Planck’s Theory of Radiation | https://youtu.be/2tMVOKspro4 |
275 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Wien’s displacement law and Rayleigh- Jeans law from Planck’s radiation law |
https://youtu.be/JEtMGw5wGWA |
276 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Matter waves | https://youtu.be/GA8GhZqhsCk |
277 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | de- Broglie wavelength of matter waves | https://youtu.be/RCrBLtQin1k |
278 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | GP Thomson experiment | https://youtu.be/byh-z2lWsz8 |
279 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Compton effect | https://youtu.be/mdVt9QDzLfg |
280 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Experimental verification of Compton theory | https://youtu.be/pFOKfu7ZV94 |
281 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Schrodinger Time independent wave equation | https://youtu.be/d25I_n2bDks |
282 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Schrodinger Time Dependent wave equation | https://youtu.be/lHteuqZ7vDw |
283 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Physical significance of wave function | https://youtu.be/4y0Ywy6s-uE |
284 | PH -ENGINEERING PHYSICS(PH 8151) | Particle in one dimensional box, Quantum physics-Problems | https://youtu.be/2rgtonFH6sk, https://youtu.be/5BbNOEC2uoA |
285 | PH-ENGINEERING PHYSICS (PH 8151) | Non – Uniform Bending | https://youtu.be/0GkxrkkGBUM |
286 | PH-ENGINEERING PHYSICS (PH 8151) | I – shaped girder | https://youtu.be/QNaFGexu-ag |
287 | PH-ENGINEERING PHYSICS (PH 8151) | Stress due to bending in beams | https://youtu.be/APzRNHUqdiY |
288 | PH-ENGINEERING PHYSICS (PH 8151) | Problem – 1, Problem – 2 | https://youtu.be/VWQLvBpvguA, https://youtu.be/aevRRlAgr7E |
289 | PH-ENGINEERING PHYSICS (PH 8151) | Problem – 3 | https://youtu.be/kEcj0e-PbJo |
290 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Introduction to Problem Solving and Programming | https://youtu.be/BvpG3j2f7JA |
291 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Algorithm | https://youtu.be/WNQQg-qzM0E |
292 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | pseudo code | https://youtu.be/_nmrZyfUA1Q |
293 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | flow chart | https://youtu.be/Yalbn4NI0OM |
294 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Programming languages | https://youtu.be/yOWHUVmTUGY |
295 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Building blocks of Algorithm | https://youtu.be/S711kARD5a4 |
296 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Algorithm, pseudocode, Flowchart,-Maximum among 3 numbers | https://youtu.be/nRwmUU6ImCA |
297 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Algorithmic Problem Solving | https://youtu.be/e4dzX4kdxOM |
298 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative Example: Find Minimum in a List- Session:1 Illustrative Example: Find Minimum in a List- Session:2 |
https://youtu.be/VzG6prcqOSI |
299 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Sequential based control flow example 1: Find area of a circle and triangle | https://youtu.be/tvtdrGS6s2Q |
300 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Selection control flow based example1: Find the number is odd or even | https://youtu.be/HFWoeWdShlg |
301 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Sequential based example 2:Arithmetic operator. Selection control flow based example2: Find the person is elgible to vote | https://youtu.be/DqXdOns7_MQ https://youtu.be/eDe47zFSfgs |
302 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative example 2: Guess an integer number in a range | https://youtu.be/5uwJQfvchyQ |
303 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Simple Strategies for developing Algorithms | https://youtu.be/sYLgbslHKV4 |
304 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative example 3: Insert a card in a list of sorted card | |
305 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Towers of Hanoi | https://youtu.be/IfRa5xhkIJM |
306 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Example:To display 1 to n odd Numbers | https://youtu.be/u0MM23c33nQ |
307 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Example – To find Factorial of a Number (or) To find Product of 1 to n Numbers | https://youtu.be/dmf1XaoBf4E |
308 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | To find Sum of 1 to n Natural Numbers | https://youtu.be/9izb0yFp18w |
309 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Unit: 2 – Introduction | https://youtu.be/08XEz3l2DL0 |
310 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Modes of Python Interpreter | https://youtu.be/WMUC5U-KosE |
311 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Keywords, Variables, Input and Output statements | https://youtu.be/kYu2ftQsBzs |
312 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Datatypes in python | https://youtu.be/HdtXBaVz77M |
314 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Example :Python program to perform arithmetic program and area of circle and triangle | https://youtu.be/ES5Clo2AtAo |
315 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Tuple assignment | https://youtu.be/oS8NTcD5U9Y |
316 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative example 1: Distance between the two points | https://youtu.be/kwIdyuN7MLQ |
317 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Precedence and Associativity of Operators | https://youtu.be/HoYwa3tIMow |
318 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Functions in Python | https://youtu.be/G1punaqDkwU |
319 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative Example:2 Exchange the values of two Variables | https://youtu.be/Eyh60e2VTtA |
320 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Types of Arguments | https://youtu.be/m7edJiN7jPA |
321 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | parameters passing methods | https://youtu.be/3Hxjut2Iyj4 |
322 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Lifetime and Scope of a Variables | https://youtu.be/MHiiG1NdYO4 |
323 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative Example:3 – With Slicing Circulate the values of ‘n’ variables | https://youtu.be/OJ3heXrQPzY |
324 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Without Slicing Rotate the List values in Right Direction | https://youtu.be/mndI4ngqxJ0 |
325 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Control Statements – Branching Statements | https://youtu.be/uU0a5Jdvn8Y |
326 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Example- Greatest among three numbers | https://youtu.be/FF5P7IRfU8s |
327 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Looping Structures | https://youtu.be/KzxPeW9orZ4 |
328 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Nested Loop | https://youtu.be/-EefDF3f3dQ |
329 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Fruitful Function | https://youtu.be/kn5mPOL3hWU |
330 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Example Program – To display Grade for a Student based on Average marks | https://youtu.be/D-rk_aK6EP0 |
331 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Unconditional Statements | https://youtu.be/x_VpuahjH_Y |
332 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Function Composition | https://youtu.be/LsHlZos6g10 |
333 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Recursion | https://youtu.be/r34CEYz8e68 |
334 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Illustrative Example:1 (GCD of two Numbers) | https://youtu.be/Yw_N179kGYQ |
335 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | String introduction | https://youtu.be/LYcpTAatSl0 |
336 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | : String Functions and Methods | https://youtu.be/b25x7LRxesI |
337 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Exponential Value of a Number | https://youtu.be/sKC-VmAxWPA |
338 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Linear search | https://youtu.be/2s_V-G9P85U |
339 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Binary search | https://youtu.be/3qnvTPJTQPQ |
340 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Sum of array of numbers | https://youtu.be/TXHea5r7xiM |
341 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Square root of a number | https://youtu.be/KFcLj-zo08A |
342 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | List introduction | https://youtu.be/oUBN52-EHlM |
343 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | List Functions and methods | https://youtu.be/5XAXUWabUe8 |
344 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | LIST TRAVERSAL | https://youtu.be/lQEsvx2z93Y |
345 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | List Aliasing and List Cloning | https://youtu.be/V5vPjvKnrrc |
346 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | List Comprehension | https://youtu.be/GLDgxnbFAaQ |
347 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Tuples | https://youtu.be/0ecoyLncW6g |
348 | EG- ENGINEERING GRAPHICS(GE 8152) | Introduction to Development of Surfaces.. Problem – 1 ( Hexagonal Prism)… Problem – 2 ( Cylinder) and Problem – 3 ( Cone) | https://youtu.be/qFypgTAGKCE:https://youtu.be/0mViFTrVYKQ:https://youtu.be/Co7Aa0-ZS54:https://youtu.be/Aw2WXzb5kNQ |
349 | MA – ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS-I (MA 8151) | Integration by Irrational functions Type- 5 & Type-6 Type – 7 | https://youtu.be/HJK6f2TDHkw, https://youtu.be/R0eafN4E6Gc, https://youtu.be/3IApllyNKY8 |
350 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING (GE 8151) | Tuple as return Values | https://youtu.be/eKevqnwNons |
351 | Physics Practical(BS8161) | determine the thickness of the given wire | https://youtu.be/6ljPyVBs-_w |
352 | Physics Practical(BS8161) | Determination of the velocity of the given liquid | https://youtu.be/fY6H6q4Vq5M |
353 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | Determination of total Hardness of water sample by EDTA method | https://youtu.be/iFdgbF4AsvU |
354 | Physics Laboratory(BS8161) | Determination of Young’s modulus of elasticity of the material of the given beam by using Non-Uniform bending | https://youtu.be/2Z0J6usBTJI |
355 | Physics Practical(BS8161) | determine the rigidity modulus of the material of the wire | https://youtu.be/Xvw22CzLf7A |
356 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | Conductomertric titration of strong acid with strong base | https://youtu.be/W6poGMNTCu4 |
357 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/XyMojXchlJ8 |
359 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/YzeJ7ApKW_k |
360 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/AzF6XdRgF4w |
361 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/qe5IyFG3fIk |
362 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/jl7mPNvX-6s |
363 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/EjbFaY8InNU |
364 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/tNyGGjjRp2Y |
365 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/pqsXFmguehU |
367 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/P0qdH-MZbcg |
368 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/D94p_kobSg0 |
369 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/_T4nL1h4HpI |
370 | PYT – PROBLEM SOLVING AND PYTHON PROGRAMMING lab (GE 8161) | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/jwlYWJcyjKk |
371 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/KvKlR0lUokc |
372 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/rZiyKln2ZQo |
373 | Physics Practical – BS8161 | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/s4POTlDFl00 |
374 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/Skvt8tb07pY |
375 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/PYWg1tcsuKE |
376 | BS8161 – Chemistry Laboratory | PRACTICALS | https://youtu.be/jMRqtye7kY0 |
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